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and literary hybrids.
Robert Stewart
Robert Stewart is editor of New Letters magazine, New Letters on the Air, a nationally syndicated literary radio program, and BkMk Press at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, where he also teaches poetry writing, magazine writing, and magazine editing. He has won a National Magazine Award for Editorial Achievement in the Essay category, from the American Society of Magazine Editors. His books include Outside Language: Essays (Helicon Nine Editions, a finalist in the PEN Center USA Literary Awards; and winner of the Thorpe Menn Award), Plumbers (poems, BkMk Press), and others. Poems have appeared in Denver Quarterly, The Iowa Review, Poetry Northwest, Prairie Schooner, Mangrove, Stand, Notre Dame Review, The Literary Review and other magazines. Anthology editorships include Spud Songs: An Anthology of Potato Poems (with Gloria Vando, benefit for hunger relief), and Decade: Modern American Poets (with Trish Reeves) and Voices From the Interior. He also is co-editor of the collection New American Essays (with Conger Beasley Jr., New Letters/BkMk Press).

Robert Stewart: The Narrow Gate: Art, Writing & Values
Serving House Books is currently considering short story collections. Fee-free submissions are open from July 1 until September 1 at Submittable.
We have other excellent books being prepared for release. Each work will be announced when publication is pending.