Dec 29, 2019 | Books, Essays
Publishers of internationalprose, poetry, art,and literary hybrids. DONATE Book Confessions of an Accidental Professor AMAZON BARNES & NOBLE INDIEBOUND BOOKS-A-MILLION Confessions of an Accidental Professor reveals ten years of teaching college freshman through...
Sep 15, 2017 | Books, Essays
Publishers of internationalprose, poetry, art,and literary hybrids. DONATE Book From Pantyhose to Spandex: Writers on the Job Redux AMAZON BARNES & NOBLE INDIEBOUND BOOKS-A-MILLION The authors of From Pantyhose to Spandex: Writers on the Job Redux take you on a...
Nov 15, 2016 | Books, Essays
Publishers of internationalprose, poetry, art,and literary hybrids. DONATE Book The Pleasures of Language: From Acropox to Word Clay A provisional title for this collection was “Fifty Stabs at the Truth of Language,” which despite its weight, I remain fond of because...
Sep 25, 2016 | Books, Essays
Publishers of internationalprose, poetry, art,and literary hybrids. DONATE Book The ABCs of Enlightenment AMAZON In these rich and incisive essays, Robert Day reveals how his “learning” as a student defined his “teaching” at Washington College, the University of...
Feb 12, 2016 | Books, Essays
Publishers of internationalprose, poetry, art,and literary hybrids. DONATE Book No Rule That Isn’t a Dare: How Writers Connect with Readers AMAZON BARNES & NOBLE INDIEBOUND BOOKS-A-MILLION In writing, the only real rule is that there are no rules. The...
Jul 9, 2015 | Books, Essays
Publishers of internationalprose, poetry, art,and literary hybrids. DONATE Book Surviving the Twenty-First Century AMAZON BARNES & NOBLE INDIEBOUND Parenting, Corporate Thievery, Aging, Technology, Ideals – one might easily feel overwhelmed. With a unique approach...