Publishers of international
prose, poetry, art,
and literary hybrids.


Rita Signorelli-Pappas

Rita Signorelli-Pappas has been writing and publishing poetry for over twenty years. Her poems have appeared in Poetry, Shenandoah, Poetry Northwest, Southwest Review, Prairie Schooner, Southern Poetry Review, Chelsea, The Literary Review, and Poet Lore, among other journals. A Pushcart Prize nominee, she was a finalist for the 2008 May Swenson Award, and she received the 2008 Italian Americana Award in Fiction.

Robert Day


Rita Signorelli-Pappas, Labyrinth
Rita Signorelli-Pappas, Labyrinth

Rita Signorelli-Pappas: Labyrinth

Satyr’s Wife


Serving House Books is currently considering short story collections. Fee-free submissions are open from July 1 until September 1 at Submittable.

We have other excellent books being prepared for release. Each work will be announced when publication is pending.